Cosmic Lectures

With an extensive background in spirituality, metaphysics, and cosmic wisdom, Shaun offers insights that seamlessly blend ancient wisdom, spirituality, and modern science. Each lecture is designed to challenge conventional thinking, opening doorways to new perspectives on biblical interpretations, personal growth, relationships, and more. Whether it’s a group setting, an organization, a podcast, or an event, Shaun’s lectures offer a wealth of knowledge and enlightenment to audiences eager to explore the universe’s mysteries.

Parenting Starseed Children: This lecture provides practical use cases on how human design and astrology can aid parents of Starseed children, particularly those feeling overwhelmed or at their wits’ end.

Mother God: This lecture explores the seeming absence of the Divine Feminine in the Bible due to historical patriarchy and misogyny, and unearths the hidden presence of Mother God within the scripture.

On Numbers & Light: A riveting study of Gender Equality and Polarity as viewed through the lens of the Bible and Kabbalah, analyzing the mystical symbolism of numbers and light.

The Purpose Driven Man: There comes a time in a man’s life when he stops focusing on pu*** and starts focusing on His Purpose. This lecture holds the keys to the door of this understanding for the man who is ready to walk in his Purpose but finds himself setback by the sacral issues he must first overcome to ascend past them. In this lecture, we will explore semen retention for men and the power of menstrual cycles for women, and how these relate to the energy of the sacral chakra.

Law of Attraction & the Bible: In this in-depth exploration, we reveal how the principles of the Law of Attraction are masterfully interwoven throughout the Bible.

“The Universe” the Feminine expression of the Divine God: We delve into the myriad ways the Universe reflects the Divine Feminine aspect of God, providing compelling evidence that the Mother is Eternally Present.

In my Father’s House: This discussion explores the omnipresence of God through “many houses,” utilizing the framework of quantum mechanics and the many worlds theory for a modern, scientific understanding.

You CAN Heal Yourself: This talk explains the essential key to permanent healing, focusing on the relationship between inner and outer realities.

The Law of One in the Bible: This talk uncovers how the principles of unity and oneness, foundational to many spiritual philosophies, are embedded in biblical teachings.

Reincarnation & the Bible: Challenging conventional beliefs, this discourse traces biblical references and interpretations that suggest reincarnation is indeed a part of Christian theology.

The TRUE story of Jezebel: This lecture reevaluates the story of Jezebel, discussing how inaccurate perceptions and interpretations can disempower the Divine Feminine within.

God Loves Linux: We draw parallels between the Linux Operating System and Source Consciousness, demonstrating how this open-source software mirrors divine principles.

Climbing Jacob’s Ladder: We interpret Psalms 23 through the lens of the chakra system, demonstrating how it relates to expanding consciousness.

Fan the Flame: An enlightening talk on the power of meditation, specifically tailored for Christians seeking a deeper spiritual experience.

Harmony, Balance, and the basic laws of the Universe: This talk advocates for the importance of female discipleship in Christ’s work and the spreading of the Church, arguing that it brings necessary harmony and balance, in line with universal laws.


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