About Shaun

Shaun Adams is a renowned parent coach, spiritual guide, and author with a heart for supporting parents and empowering them to raise their children with love, understanding, and a touch of cosmic insight. With a wealth of knowledge from over 10 years serving as the NAACP ACTSO (Afro-Academic, Cultural, Technological, Scientific Olympics) director in two cities, New Brunswick, NJ and Columbia, SC, Shaun has mentored hundreds of high school students across multiple counties, coordinating a vast team of mentors, and earning prestigious recognition from non-profit organization and businesses like Johnson & Johnson.

With over two decades of marital bliss and the proud father of three starseed children, Jeremiah (24), Jada (20), and Jacqueline (born on 11/11/2020), Shaun’s personal journey as a parent has deeply influenced his coaching approach. His wife, Tia, a special education teacher, and he have become experts in transformational coaching using mindfulness practices and are acclaimed spiritual teachers of the Aquarian Age.

Shaun is the originator of “Cosmic Parenting Method,” an intuitive approach to parenting that uses Human Design and astrological insights as a guide to understand and nurture each child’s unique potential. As an internationally certified coach with the International Coaching Federation (ICF), Shaun’s guidance provides parents with a deep understanding of their child’s unique path, helping them embrace their roles as conscious parents.

Through his transformative coaching sessions, impactful workshops, and insightful books, Shaun’s mission is to offer a guiding light to parents seeking a deeper connection with their children and a more conscious, harmonious, and empowered parenting journey.


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